If You Want To Retire In The Next 15 Years But You Don’t Know If You Can, How You Can, Or What Your Retirement Income Will Be,
You Need To Take 5 Minutes To Read This Page.
If You Want Unlock The Path To A Early Retirement But You Don’t Know If You Can, How You Can, Or What Your Retirement Income Will Be,
You Need To Take 5 Minutes To Read This Page.
Here’s the Truth
Having a Clear Forecast of Your Future Retirement Income Creates Financial Peace Right Now.
Discover the simple planning strategies that my clients and I have used to alleviate anxiety, move forward with surety, and RETIRE CONFIDENTLY.
If you learn just one idea in this program that increases your retirement income by, let’s say, $100/month over a 25-year retirement, that’s THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! And you’ll probably learn a dozen ideas like that. This course can pay for itself 10, 20, or even 100 times over.
If you learn just one idea in this program that increases your retirement income by $100/month over a 25-year retirement, that’s THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! And you’ll probably learn a dozen ideas like that. This course can pay for itself 10, 20, or even 100 times over.
Does this sound familiar to you?
- You have a good life.
- You have a pretty great income.
- You are successful in your career.
- You have an enjoyable middle to upper-middle-class lifestyle.
- You have tried to be financially smart.
- You (and perhaps your employer) have saved toward your retirement.
Even though everything looks so sturdy on the outside,
on the inside you are concerned about retirement.
You are thinking:
- Do I have enough?
- How much income will I have in retirement?
- Am I going to run out of money?
- Are my retirement finances really in order?
- Am I doing anything wrong?
- Am I doing anything right?
Everybody else seems to know what they are doing.
I think I’m behind the curve and I’m worried.
This causes anxiety:
- It may cause some tension with your spouse.
- It might take some of the fun out of your employment.
- It definitely makes you put off retirement planning.
- There is likely some shame bundled with those fears.
- And the results are clear – fear and shame lead to inaction and misaction.
The Truth Is That You Are Probably Not “Too Far Behind”!
The Reality Is That You Might Not Be Too Late. The Issue Is That You Have Been Bombarded By Negative Messaging By Society For So Long That Your Mind Believes It.
Consider for just a moment how negative the messaging around investments and retirement is in our society. How many times have you heard that the average retirees have “way too little savings”? How many headlines have you read about a big drop in the stock market?
Even more importantly, how many headlines have you read saying “Not to Worry, The Market is Fully Recovered, and More Quickly than We Anticipated!”? Never. I have saved articles from 2018 touting the “Big Fall” and the “Worst Year in a Decade”. Yet, the headlines for the first few months of 2019 are not about how strong the markets are recovering. They are not about how retirees who have a solid plan should be right on track. The headlines are about Full House and Desperate Housewives actresses’ college admissions bribery scandals.
The Truth Is That
You Are Probably
Not “Too Far
The Reality Is That You Might Not Be Too Late. The Issue Is That You Have Been Bombarded By Negative Messaging By Society For So Long That Your Mind Believes It.
Consider for just a moment how negative the messaging around investments and retirement is in our society. How many times have you heard that the average retirees have “way too little savings”? How many headlines have you read about a big drop in the stock market?
Even more importantly, how many headlines have you read saying “Not to Worry, The Market is Fully Recovered, and More Quickly than We Anticipated!”? Never. I have saved articles from 2018 touting the “Big Fall” and the “Worst Year in a Decade”. Yet, the headlines for the first few months of 2019 are not about how strong the markets are recovering. They are not about how retirees who have a solid plan should be right on track. The headlines are about Full House and Desperate Housewives actresses’ college admissions bribery scandals.
This sounds rhetorical but go ahead and answer this question out loud, “How long would you keep your job if you did this?”
This sounds rhetorical but go ahead and answer this question out loud,
“How long would you keep your job if you did this?”
- You only tell the truth 2% of the time.
- That 2% of truth is only mistakes you’ve made.
- You never report the other 98% of the time when you are very hardworking, prudent, and productive.
- You never report any improvements and recoveries.
- If you do report a “new high” it needs to include multiple reasons why you will soon “crash” and never recover.
- The only statistics that you share in staff meetings indicate that anybody trying to do what you do, are consistently “way behind,” “discouraged.” and are at “new levels of fear.”
Ridiculous Right?
Well, That Is Exactly How The Media And Society, In General, Have Been “Reporting” On Your Retirement And Investment Goals For Decades. You Have Been Bombarded By Negative Messaging By Society For So Long That Your Mind Believes It.
Well… Let’s unshackle your mind!
I can show you how, and it’s not painful.
Retire Confidently
If you learn just one idea in this program that increases your retirement income by $100/month over a 25-year retirement, that’s THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! And you’ll probably learn a dozen ideas like that. This course can pay for itself 10, 20, or even 100 times over.
Retire Confidently
If you learn just one idea in this program that increases your retirement income by $100/month over a 25-year retirement, that’s THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! And you’ll probably learn a dozen ideas like that. This course can pay for itself 10, 20, or even 100 times over.

I have engaged in THOUSANDS of successful retirement planning sessions with real-life everyday people just like you.
I’ve walked with these wonderful people through the Financial Meltdown of 2008.
We’ve navigated together the Greek Debt Crisis, 2010 Flash Crash, China Trade Wars, COVID Debacle, Crazy Inflation, Russia Attacking Ukraine, Recessions, Inflation, and a thousand ups and downs along the way.
We’ve celebrated their families’ graduations, weddings, life-long-wish-list purchases, home up-sizes, home down-sizes, and amazing travel. We’ve mourned together their families health, relationships, and financial challenges.
And through it all, these wonderful folks are achieving their Secure Retirement Goals!
The Key To Their Success Is What I Want To Share With You
In The Retire Confidently Program!
My team and I see it time after time.
- It looks like a miracle. It feels marvelous.
- The program is simple (it’s purposefully not complex). Yet, the results are amazing.
- People that come in anxious, worried, concerned, ashamed, scared, or nervous about their retirement, leave encouraged, confident, empowered, determined, and peaceful.
- It seriously resembles a Retirement Miracle!
Can You Imagine?
You are leaning back in your chair, resting your head back, seeing your future, and feeling a thousand pounds of stress lifting off of you?
That’s what happens at the end of a few short hours in the Retire Confidently Program. I’ve seen it a thousand times.
When you get a clear and well-thought-out forecast of your retirement income: anxiety is replaced with confidence.
“But what if it’s bad?” the voice in your head is saying.
“But what if I’m behind on my goals?” you might think.
“But I’m sure I’ve made some wrong choices?” you’re convinced.
That Is Exactly Why I Created
The Retire Confidently Program!
Retire Confidently
If you learn just one idea in this program that increases your retirement income by $100/month over a 25-year retirement, that’s THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! And you’ll probably learn a dozen ideas like that. This course can pay for itself 10, 20, or even 100 times over.
Retire Confidently
If you learn just one idea in this program that increases your retirement income by $100/month over a 25-year retirement, that’s THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! And you’ll probably learn a dozen ideas like that. This course can pay for itself 10, 20, or even 100 times over.
Get Outside Of Your Head!
All the thoughts and worries that are in your head are just that… In your head. The Retire Confidently Program will take them out of your head and put them on a spreadsheet. All the glory. All the gore. Right there on a spreadsheet. You will see accurately and intelligently what your retirement income forecast actually is.
Trust me on this, it won’t matter if you are “ahead,” “behind,” or “right on track,” this will be amazing for your retirement success.
Right now your retirement success or failure is in your head. It is hard to control things that are in your head.
They get mixed up with all the pre-programming from the negative media. Things in your head are honestly – A Little Out of Control.
For instance, right now DO NOT THINK of a rhinoceros. Okay, so you immediately thought of a rhinoceros (and laughed a bit to yourself). It’s because it’s in your brain, and your beautiful brain can be a little squirrely. However, when you write something out, it begins to come within your control. The minute that you feel that control, you are on your way to peace.
Neuroscience and the Life Coach School refer to it like this: Your thoughts produce your feelings, which drive your actions, and cause an outcome in your life. When your retirement planning is a thought like “I think I’m behind”. That creates an anxious feeling. Anxiety causes inaction. The result is that you get “behind.”
Find The Simple Truths!
Now, go through the Retire Confidently Course. You’ll have your retirement income forecast on a spreadsheet right there in front of you. It’s not in your head. It’s not a thought. It’s not squirrely. It’s just the facts.
When presented with the simple truth, just watch what your brain can do! It will seem like a miracle!
It will feel peaceful and empowering!
You might think, “Oh, it’s going to take me two years longer to retire.” Then you feel encouraged that it’s not as bad as your brain had been telling you it would be. Or you feel motivated, and your brain has already come up with actions that will get you to your goals.
I cannot overemphasize how powerful The Retire Confidently Program is. And it’s right at your fingertips, RIGHT NOW.
Retire Confidently
If you learn just one idea in this program that increases your retirement income by $100/month over a 25-year retirement, that’s THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! And you’ll probably learn a dozen ideas like that. This course can pay for itself 10, 20, or even 100 times over.
Retire Confidently
If you learn just one idea in this program that increases your retirement income by $100/month over a 25-year retirement, that’s THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! And you’ll probably learn a dozen ideas like that. This course can pay for itself 10, 20, or even 100 times over.
When you choose to enroll in the Retire Confidently Program,
I’ve done everything I can think of to make this successful for you.
When you choose to enroll in the
Retire Confidently Program,
I’ve done everything I can think of to make this successful for you.
Five Facts About The Retire Confidently Course:
You’ll have your own computer and your own account statements in front of you, but you’ll be “looking over my shoulder” while I create a simple retirement plan that transformed the lives of run-of-the-mill, real-life people. You will follow along with your own numbers. Here’s how it will work:
Five Facts About The
Retire Confidently
You’ll have your own computer and your own account statements in front of you, but you’ll be “looking over my shoulder” while I create a simple retirement plan that transformed the lives of run-of-the-mill, real-life people. You will follow along with your own numbers. Here’s how it will work:
- This is a “Do It Yourself” course. I’m going to be guiding you through, but it is TOTALLY PRIVATE! It’s completely anonymous. There is No Shame to have to overcome, no worry about having somebody else looking at your finances. For some people, this is just too big of a hurdle to overcome. So, it keeps them from moving forward. NOT ANYMORE. In addition, this format gives you total flexibility to accomplish the course on your own timeline and at your own convenience.
- All the planning will be done on a spreadsheet. This is by design! We could easily have you use planning software (remember we have an office full of retirement planning nerds here – we geek out on this stuff). We’re just not convinced having you buy planning software or use free software will be the best thing for your goals. Free planning software can often provide inaccurate results. Compared to purchasing planning software, a spreadsheet is a cost savings upfront, and there is no ongoing subscription month after month or year after year. Your retirement game plan will be on a spreadsheet. It’s yours. You own it. You created it. You understand it. You can adjust it, modify it, and update it. Most importantly: It’s highly personalized to your situation. That’s exactly what you want for your retirement plan.
- I’ll be showing you Social Security tips and tricks. I’ll walk you through calculating and maximizing these benefits – INCLUDING: determining when to start your benefit, how to calculate your benefit; utilizing Spousal and Survivor benefits. This is designed so that you don’t miss out on benefits. It will help you avoid costly mistakes so that you can rest assured you got it right.
- We’ll demonstrate how to incorporate, calculate, and utilize pensions, pension lump sums, 401k’s, IRA’s, Roth IRA’s, Life Insurance, TIAA Traditional, Annuities, and Guaranteed Lifetime Income Benefits. Plus, I will unveil exactly how you can easily implement MY FAVORITE diversified investment allocation.
You Will Be Able To:
- Have assets set aside to maintain your lifestyle.
- Enjoy security of retirement income.
- Avoid penalties, and reduce taxes: which both equate to having more money to spend on the things you want!
- Leave money at your death for your loved ones (or favorite charity) INSTEAD of leaving it to the government or your employer.
- As a participant in the Retire Confidently Program, if you have any remaining questions after completion, for only $99 my team or I will provide an educational review of your retirement income planning spreadsheet. You can make this decision at the end of the course. It’s not required by any means. I do want you to know it’s an option. My goal is that this course (including the educational review if needed) will give you everything you need to build a plan that will allow you to Retire Confidently.
Let’s Get Started!
In a few hours you’ll lean back in your chair, look at your retirement income scenario, and feel a thousand pounds of anxiety-of-the-unknown replaced by the peaceful calm of clarity.
Your future self is ready to go, and I can show you how!
Retirement: Let’s Go!
Its Only $199!
Retire Confidently
If you learn just one idea in this program that increases your retirement income by $100/month over a 25-year retirement, that’s THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! And you’ll probably learn a dozen ideas like that. This course can pay for itself 10, 20, or even 100 times over.
Retire Confidently
If you learn just one idea in this program that increases your retirement income by $100/month over a 25-year retirement, that’s THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! And you’ll probably learn a dozen ideas like that. This course can pay for itself 10, 20, or even 100 times over..
Frequently Asked Questions:
Frequently Asked
What if I don’t have very much saved for retirement?
You should do the program. Creating a plan for your social security or pension alone is essential to a successful retirement. You’ll learn that in the program. Plus, you will determine what to do with the funds that you do have saved.
What if I’m in tons of debt?
If you have piles of debt and no assets, then this program is probably not for you. You should probably start with a debt reduction plan. You can listen to Dave Ramsey or find a personal debt reduction coach.
However, having a mortgage, some debt, some savings, and some retirement accounts is pretty typical for middle to upper-middle-class Americans. The Retire Confidently Program is perfect for that situation.
Can my spouse use the Retire Confidently Program – I don’t want to retire without them?
Absolutely! My stance is that purchasing one Retire Confidently Program covers the household. The program is designed so that one spouse (or the two of you together) can plan out the retirement income scenario for the couple. We will spend quite a bit of time helping you calculate and maximize the higher earners’ retirement income, and the lower earners’ retirement income, and make sure that both have Surviving Spouse retirement income.
We do ask you to be honest by not sharing your log-in outside the household.
When is the right time to start this?
“10 years ago” is the resounding response from participants. So I’ll believe them and take that to mean “now.” As long as you’re a good fit for the program (middle to upper-middle class), then don’t wait to start compounding the math, the emotional benefits, and the education toward your secure retirement.
If you are already retired and have made all your Social Security and Pension elections, then the benefit of the program will be to learn about secure retirement income investments and to make sure that your surviving spouse (if that is applicable to you) is going to have enough income.
If you have made irrevocable elections on your pension and your Social Security, AND you have no savings, no retirement accounts, and have no plans to start having savings and retirement accounts, then the program probably isn’t for you.
What are the computer program requirements?
You will either need to have an Excel program on your computer, or you can use Google Sheets which is free.
(Any examples provided are modified to protect individual confidentiality. Opinions voiced in this material are for general information purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. Any performance referenced is historical with no guarantee of future results. Indexes are unmanaged and cannot be invested in directly.)